Coleção de TERROR / Horror Miniature Collection
1. Só um Fantasma/ Just a Ghost

2. Carrie from Carrie (1976)

3. The baby from Eraserhead (1977)

4. The Creature from the Black Lagoon, (1954) (SOLD)

5. The Kids from Village of the Damned, (1960)

6. The cat from HAUSU/HOUSE (1977) (SOLD)

7. Christiane Génessie de Eyes without a face/ Les yeux sans visage (1960)

8. Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) not really a horror movie but the idea scray me a little.

9. Golem from Der Golem (1920)

10. Godzilla also a pencil holder from Godzilla/ Gojira/ ゴジラ (1954) (SOLD)

11. O Enigma do Outro Mundo aka A Coisa /The Thing (1982)

Coleção de miniaturas de terror referentes a antigos filmes de terror. Feito durante o período de Halloween. Vários foram vendidos, incluindo os números 12 e 13 que não foram fotografados. Estas miniaturas foram feitas de porcelana fria.
Collection of horror miniatures referring to old horror movies. Made during the Halloween period. Several were sold including numbers 12 and 13 that were not photographed. These miniatures were made of cold porcelain.